Get ready for Law 25
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What to expect
September 2023: second round of Law 25 obligations come into effect.
Transparency obligations
- Increase transparency in personal data collection, usage, and consumer rights.
- Disclose third-party data recipients and any data transfers outside Quebec.
- Notify individuals about automated decision-making and their rights to understand, review, or appeal.
- Provide information on data collected, access within the company, retention, and data protection contacts.

New rules for consent
- Law 25 mandates clear, transparent messaging for consent.
- Express consent required for using sensitive data beyond original purposes.
- Parental consent needed for collecting data on children under 14.
- Biometrics for identity verification require express consent.
Financial penalties
- Private-sector companies face potential fines of 10,000,000 Canadian dollars or 2% of global turnover from the previous fiscal year.
- Higher penalties are foreseen for the most serious offences.
Are there any exceptions to the requirement to obtain consent?
Yes, if the use of data is necessary for providing or delivering a product or service requested by a consumer.
This includes so-called "essential" cookies and trackers.


Events in Montréal
Check some of the replays and the blog article around the events Didomi organized in Montréal.
What is the digital impact of Law 25?
Consent is mandatory for triggering all trackers
Impact on analytics
Without user consent under Law 25, you cannot measure analytical performance (sessions/sales) or share data with your MarTech ecosystem.
Important: server-side tracking is not exempt. If users do not give their consent, you will have to calculate performance using data modelling.

Impact on media performance
As a business, your ability to run remarketing audiences depends on users providing consent.
If users do not consent, you cannot track conversions, resulting in lower in-platform performance and fewer data points for AI optimization.
If you are a website publisher, you won't be able to maximize advertising revenue without consent.
LAW 25 - UX
Impact on user experience
Ensuring choices are respected and giving them simple and transparent ways to access their data at all times will reinforce user trust.
A reliable and efficient consent management process will prevent users from leaving a website due to confusing language or off-putting consent banners.
Didomi helps you solve the challenges of Law 25
Consent management
Collect user consent for all countries and devices.
Create consent banners that reflect your brand while easily managing vendors and purposes.
Generate proofs of consent in a few clicks, from a single source of truth.
Measure and optimize consent rates with advanced Analytics.
Advanced Compliance Monitoring
Detect and proactively react to privacy breaches.
Reduce time and optimize your compliance investment.
Ensure continued high performance with automated maintenance.


Questions about the impact of Law 25?
Our expert Jean-Baptiste Garcin will be happy to help.