Privacy guides
The best privacy resources to start 2023
Privacy guides

The best privacy resources to start 2023




Thierry Maout

min read


January 9, 2023


Thierry Maout

10 min read

2022 was an intense year for privacy, with an all-time record in terms of fines and industry-defining moments which will undoubtedly have ripple-effect consequences in years to come. And guess what? 2023 is already lining up to be even bigger. 


In order to help you start the year on the right foot, we’ve prepared a summary of some of the best articles from our blog. From breaking down elementary privacy principles to approaching advanced compliance concepts, country-specific regulations, and more, here is a collection of some of the best privacy resources to start the year with.





Getting started: Essential articles to understand basic privacy principles


First and foremost, it’s paramount for you to get a good grasp of some of the most basic concepts and topics surrounding privacy and compliance. We suggest that you browse the Education and Privacy 101 categories of our blog, which cover general principles, tips, and best practices for privacy-minded organizations.


Some of the most useful, essential content we’ve published include:



Advanced content: Detailed information about country-specific regulations, industry news, and particular industries 


Ever since the GDPR was introduced in 2018, the privacy world has been a whirlwind of court cases, fines, and progress to protect consumer data and enforce regulations. 


If there were only 4 articles you needed to read to catch up on some of the most important news of the past year, it would be these ones:


Depending on what industry you work in, privacy and compliance may or may not feel like pressing matters. But whether you’re an e-commerce retailer, a publisher, or a bank, compliance is not an option anymore.


We have published educational content covering many industries and job roles, including:



Are you looking for information on how to be compliant in a specific country or region? Check out our country focus and state focus blog categories, where we go in depth about national regulations and U.S. states laws. 


Some of the geographical areas we’ve covered previously include:



For more information, please check out our interactive compliance world map for data privacy best practices, the Data Privacy Barometer.


Going forward: The big topics to watch out for in 2023


Finally, the last category of blog posts you should keep handy are the ones you will most likely need to revisit this year. 


We strongly believe that the United States will continue to move towards heavier data privacy regulations in 2023 and the following three blog posts will be particularly useful for any organization looking to comply with local data privacy laws there:



Continue learning about privacy throughout 2023


You now have a solid reading list of some of the most essential privacy topics and concepts to master for 2023. 


But this is only the beginning.


To dive deeper and stay on top of privacy news this year, make sure to follow our blog closely (duh), subscribe to our newsletter, as well as the Agnostik weekly newsletter which covers everything that’s hot in the privacy compliance and technology world.


If you’re a fervent follower of Didomi, you might remember our 2021 Yes We Trust Summit. We’re excited to share that Yes We Trust will make its return in 2023, in a new, more interactive and engaging format. Make sure to stay tuned.  


On social media, we strongly recommend following privacy experts such as Luiza Jarovsky and Stephane Hamel, who will be taking part in an upcoming webinar about The State of Data Privacy around the world in 2023 alongside our CEO Romain Gauthier. And of course, follow Didomi on social media: Find us on Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter


We’ll leave you on this note and wish you a great 2023, full of privacy resources, education and knowledge! Happy new year!

The author
Thierry Maout
Lead content manager at Didomi.
I write (and read) about data privacy, technology, culture, and education.
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