Case studies
A successful partnership: How fifty-five and Didomi worked together to ensure Abeille Assurances’ compliance and highest consent rate of the market
Case studies

A successful partnership: How fifty-five and Didomi worked together to ensure Abeille Assurances’ compliance and highest consent rate of the market




Julie Quintard

min read


April 20, 2023


Julie Quintard

10 min read

Abeille Assurances is a French leading insurance company with 4200+ employees, 1000+ site agencies and an entire range of insurance products from protection to savings and retirement. 

With more than 15 websites and 3 millions clients, implementing a robust and performing Consent Management Platform was a massive challenge for the insurance company, as they were looking to meet the deadline of March 2021 to implement the CNIL’s new recommendations. 

Following the recommendations of the data company, fifty-five, they decided to work with Didomi for this project. Read more to hear from  Bethany Randall, Head of Web Analytics & CRO at Abeille Assurances and Matthieu Gilli, Associate Director at fifty-five, and their testimonials about a successful and effective collaboration.


Implement a solid Consent Management Platform on over 15 websites


As a European company, Abeille Assurances is subject to the recommendations and requirements from the GDPR, and the CNIL, the French data privacy administrative regulatory body. 


As a leader in the insurance industry, it was even more important for the company to make sure that their clients' consent and data was properly collected and stored in a secure way: 


“The Consent Management Platform is a key challenge for Abeille Assurances because we need to be able to respect rules and reglementation from GDPR, and also the recommendations from the CNIL.”

- Bethany Randall, Head of Web Analytics & CRO at Abeille Assurances

In terms of timing, Abeille Assurances had to meet a tight deadline, as the organization was looking to implement a new Consent Management Platform (CMP) across their 15 websites in a few months, in order to meet the CNIL's updated requirements. 


Bethany and her team sought advice from fifty-five, to support them with this challenge. Founded in 2010 by former Google executives who understood and anticipated the potential of data in brands’ marketing strategies, the team at fifty-five has mastered a rare combination of consulting, technical skills and marketing understanding to offer high value, data-based services to its clients. 


Didomi and fifty-five have been working together for several years in various data privacy projects, helping leading companies from different industries with their data privacy and marketing challenges. Thus, it was quite natural for fifty-five to include Didomi in their recommendations for Abeille Assurances. 

A three-way collaboration between fifty-five, Didomi and Abeille Assurances

To support Abeille Assurances the best way possible, the first step for fifty-five was to audit the solutions available on the market. They performed a benchmark based on three criteria that were key for the insurance company: 


  • Ease of implementation 
  • Ability to customize the consent banner 
  • Possibility to closely monitor consent rate performance


“Based on the benchmark we performed on several criteria, Didomi was the best performing tool on the market.”

- Matthieu Gilli, Associate Director at fifty-five


According to the results of their benchmark, Didomi was the best CMP for Abeille Assurances. 


The second step was to implement the solution and to make sure that the media tags were properly configured to limit the impact on analytics and ensure compliance. fifty-five operated as a bridge between Didomi and Abeille Assurances during this technical step, making sure that the setup was properly implemented with Adobe Launch and Tag Commander. 


Bethany was also in close contact with Didomi’s customer service. Throughout the implementation, she went through a complete onboarding and was provided with extensive documentation to help her and her team understand the solution in-and-out: 


“The main advantage of Didomi is the customer service, the onboarding has been brilliant and the documentation is really clear, it’s easy to put in place.”

- Bethany Randall, Head of Web Analytics & CRO at Abeille Assurances

A successful partnership and a consent rate of 80%


Abeille is now in line with the CNIL recommendations, relying on a robust, technical data privacy ecosystem thanks to Didomi’s solution. The site migration went smoothly, and the deadlines imposed by the CNIL, the regulatory body we respected. Abeille Assurances currently boasts a consent rate of around 80%.


For Bethany and her team, the next challenge is to migrate two more websites into the Didomi solution and to maintain their current level of consent rates and compliance. 


fifty-five and Didomi will continue to collaborate closely to support Abeille Assurances with their data privacy challenges and consent rate optimization. The two organizations also work together on other projects with various brands: 


“Being a trusted partner of Didomi is really important for fifty-five, because thanks to the certification, clients can be ensured that fifty-five will deploy the best-in-class privacy by design solution.

More than ever, brands are facing privacy challenges with regulations that are becoming more and more restrictive. We really need to maintain our strong and effective collaboration with Didomi because it allows us to always better serve our customers.”

- Matthieu Gilli, Associate Director at fifty-five


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The author
Julie Quintard
Senior Partner Marketing Manager at Didomi
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