Websites collect consent for cookies and trackers using various banner formats.
We provide you with the most up-to-date benchmark results, so you can better understand where your performance stands.
For a complete breakdown per country, industry, and format, download our 2024 benchmark.
Websites collect consent for cookies and trackers using various banner formats.
We provide you with the most up-to-date benchmark results, so you can better understand where your performance stands.
For a complete breakdown per country, industry, and format, download our 2024 benchmark.
It’s the volume of opt-ins over the total amount of user consent choices..
Consent Rate = Opt-ins / (Opt-ins + Opt-out)
Without consent, you cannot deploy any unnecessary trackers/tags.
These are usually your analytics or marketing trackers, and regardless of your business model, they can impact your bottom line drastically.
You can request additional information for a specific location or industry via this form.
... focusing on feasibility and data availability.
... we'll inform you about the possibility of fulfilling your request and next steps, noting that not all inquiries can be accommodated.
... focusing on feasibility and data availability.
... we'll inform you about the possibility of fulfilling your request and next steps, noting that not all inquiries can be accommodated.